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Freyming Merlebach Hospital 🇫🇷, specialized in rehabilitation, is now equipped with IVS4, dedicated to lower limb rehabilitation.
The hospital team talks about Dessintey’s unique technology in the daily newspaper Le Républicain Lorrain.
This device, combining mirror therapy, action observation, and motor imagery, aims at stimulating the brain’s plasticity by replacing the image of the impaired limb with a positive image of movement executed by the healthy limb.
The healthcare facility uses this device with stroke patients, trauma victims, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) sufferers, amputees… and combines it with other rehabilitation tools.
Freyming Hospital was already equipped with IVS3, and has an intensive daily use of the device with the patients. OTs and PTs can work on action observation and planification with their patients.
More information about Intensive Visual Simulation or Dessintey 👉 www.dessintey.com