Scientific Communications | Back from the SOFMER 2021 Congress in Lille, FR | 2/2

How the brain react to IVS3 therapy? fNIRS & EEG
Two communications at the SOFMER Congress are addressing this question / delivered by :
- the PRM department of Saint-Etienne University,
- the Stroke Unit of Orleans Hospital.
They conducted two independent parallel studies with EEG (Saint-Étienne) and fNIRS (Orléans).
A first step, in normal subjects, shows contralateral sensorimotor activations in fNIRS, equivalent between IVS and Mirror Therapy (MT), and a higher activation in the contralateral precuneus with IVS versus MT.
The EEG frequency analysis demonstrates that the contralateral post-movement Beta rebound, a marker of movement learning, is higher with IVS versus MT. Preliminary EEG results in stroke patients found the same higher Beta-rebound.
Taken together, these results shows that IVS is taking advantage of its unilateral motor involvement as compared to the bilateral involvement with MT.
* ARTHEMIRS : Évaluation de l’activation cérébrale lors de différentes modalités de thérapie miroir avec la fNIRS (functional near- infrared spectroscopy) chez le sujet sain
Julien Bonnal (Orléans, France) , Nicolas Perret (Orléans, France) , Céline Gay (Orléans, France) , Tiphaine Marietta (Orléans, France) , Antoine Valery (Orléans, France) , Canan Ozsancak (Orléans, France) et Pascal Auzou (Orléans, France)
* Identification et comparaison des bio-marqueurs EEG de la thérapie miroir et vidéo chez les sujet normaux et les patients AVC
Ahmed Adham (Saint-Etienne, France) , Faustine Monin (Saint-Etienne, France) , Diana Rimaud (Saint-Etienne, France) et Pascal Giraux (Lyon, France)
#therapiemiroir #medtech #AVC #collaboration #madeinfrance #Neuroscience #Neurologie #innovation